Different Camera Angles

Aerial Shot – used to make a location look exotic

Arc Shot – the camera circles the object focused on

Bridging Shot –  it denotes a shift in time or place

Close Up –  it only has the face in the full frame

Medium Shot – it has the hip and up on the person(s) in the shot

Long Shot – it has the whole object from top to bottom in the shot

Cowboy Shot – it has from the middle thigh and up, got its name from being in western movies

Deep Focus – a shot that doesn’t unfocus a single thing in the shot

Dolly Zoom – the camera moves toward an object but zooms out

Dutch Tilt –  the camera is at a tilt to make the scene seem strange

Establishing Shot – it shows where the scene is taking place

Handheld Shot –  it create the feeling that your are in the room

Low Angle Shot – the camera is at a low point to make a person look bigger than they are

High Angle Shot – a shot that is going to isolate a character from the rest at a higher point

Locked-Down Shot – the camera doesn’t move during the shot even when the action moves off screen

Library Shot – it is a shot that is pulled from their library

Matte Shot – it has action in the foreground but develops the background

Money Shot – it is expensive but creates a wow effect on the viewers

Over-The-Shoulder Shot – it is taken over a person’s shoulder

Pan – it has the camera moving left to right or right to left

POV Shot – It gives the viewer a point of view the character has

Sequence Shot – a shot that is not edited at all

Steadicam Shot – the shot is taken from a hydraulic camera stand

Tilt – the camera moves up to down or down to up

Top Shot – the shot is looking directly down on a scene

Tracking Shot – the camera follows the subject in any way

Two Shot – the shot will tend to show links between two people

Whip Pan – It does the same movement as a Pan but moves very fast in which making the scene blury

Zoom – the shot allows the camera to look like it is moving away from a object without physically moving

I only really have one favorite and it is the Steadicam because it to me looks the best.

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